Sickness Affinity Group

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    Sick Time Press
    The ____ & ____ Oracle

           Sickness Affinity Group (SAG) is a group of art workers and activists who work on the topic of sickness/disability and/or are affected by sickness/disability. Sickness Affinity Group functions as a support group that challenges the competitive and ableist mode of working in the arts by sharing experiences and information and by prioritizing the well-being and access needs of its group members.
    Sickness Affinity Group investigates accessibility as both a topic and curatorial method. We aim to celebrate and create room for non-normative bodies, politics, and desires, as well as offering a supportive environment for fragility and wellbeing.
    Sickness Affinity Group holds bi-monthly meetings in Berlin and maintains an email list. Sickness Affinity Group members collaborate on projects in small working groups and report back from their process in the bi-monthly meetings.

    You can sign up to the Mailing List
to share/receive information and in order to attend upcoming meetings. To subscribe please click on the green plus on the left.

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